Bible story. Questions and Answers. Good for everyone. 2 | |
Joseph one of Jacob's son's Rules 31. What did Joseph say the seven thin cows and the seven thin heads of grain represented? - Seven bad years that would follow the good years when nothing would grow. 32. What advice did Joseph give to Pharaoh? - To choose a wise man to collect and store food during the good years for use during the bad years. 33. How did Pharaoh react to Joseph’s interpretation and advice? - He found it a good idea and decided to appoint Joseph to the task. 34. What position did Pharaoh give Joseph? - Governor of all Egypt, second only to Pharaoh. 35. What special items did Pharaoh give Joseph to signify his new position? - Fine clothes, a gold chain, and a signet ring. 36. Who was Joseph’s wife? - Asenath, the daughter of an Egyptian priest. 37. How old was Joseph when he became governor of Egypt? - Thirty years old. 38. What was Joseph in charge of during the seven good years? - Collecting and storing grain. 39. How many sons did Joseph have during the good years? - Two sons. 40. What were the names of Joseph’s sons? - Manasseh and Ephraim. 41. Who initially bought Joseph from the traders? - Potiphar. 42. What was the reason given by Joseph for not committing adultery with Potiphar’s wife? - It would be a wicked thing and a sin against God. 43. Where did Joseph end up after being falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife? - In jail where the king's prisoners were kept. 44. How did Joseph end up in charge of the prisoners in jail? - The jailer was pleased with him and put him in charge. 45. What did the cupbearer dream about the grapevine? - It had three branches that budded, blossomed, and produced ripe grapes. 46. What was the significance of the three branches in the cupbearer’s dream? - They represented three days. 47. What did the baker’s dream involve? - Three baskets of baked goods being eaten by birds. 48. What was the significance of the three baskets in the baker’s dream? - They represented three days. 49. What did Joseph predict would happen to the baker? - He would be hanged in three days. 50. What happened to Pharaoh on his birthday? - He gave a feast and released the cupbearer and baker from jail. 51. What did Pharaoh’s dreams have in common? - Both involved sevens (seven cows and seven heads of grain) and represented periods of good and bad years. 52. What did Pharaoh’s dreams predict? - Seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. 53. Who did Pharaoh decide to put in charge of preparing for the famine? - Joseph. 54. What authority did Joseph have after being appointed by Pharaoh? - He was second in command, and all people in Egypt had to obey his orders. 55. What did Joseph do during the seven years of plenty? - He collected and stored grain. 56. How did Joseph interpret dreams? - By God’s revelation. 57. What prompted the cupbearer to remember Joseph? - Pharaoh's troubling dreams. 58. What happened immediately after Pharaoh's dreams were explained? A : - Joseph was appointed governor of Egypt. 59. Q : Why was Joseph trusted with significant responsibilities by both Potiphar and the jailer? A :- God was with Joseph, and he was successful in all he did. 60. Q : What was the broader significance of Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt? A :- It set the stage for his family’s later migration to Egypt, which was pivotal in the history of the Israelites. Thank you, for reading. i pray you Will Grow more in Jesus name Amen. for more from Asoquality:- | |
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