Yarn store in rhode island (Business Opportunities - Advertising Service)

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Item ID 9556079 in Category: Business Opportunities - Advertising Service

Yarn store in rhode island

Whether you love the colors, the fibers, or the people, the heart of Skein, and the heart of our space, sits squarely in the center. This beautiful table represents the perfect blend of my desire to create, and my desire to create a community. I am thrilled to have more and more people be a part of both every day.
My grandmother taught me how to knit when I was 12 years old, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Skein, however, is not my grandmother’s yarn shop…or your grandmother’s…but at its core are the best parts of both of those and more, literally and figuratively.
There are people sitting at this table more than not - talking, laughing, and yes, knitting - and there is more than enough room for everyone.

Related Link: Click here to visit item owner's website (1 hit)

Target Nation: All Nations
Target City : All Cities
Last Update : 19 July 2024 6:15 AM
Number of Views: 100
Item  Owner  : skeinyarnshop
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